Posts by Nick

Mars Rover World Champion

During the 2017-2018 school year, I lead the OSU Robotics Club’s Mars Rover team into the Canadian International Rover Challenge,...

Applied Robotics – ROB 421

During Spring term 2018, my team of three designed a robot for our on-campus Applied Robotics Class (ROB421/521). At this...

IRIS – Comms galore

The “IRIS” board, named after a Greek messenger god, is the main communications hub for the 2017-2018 Mars Rover project...

SpaceX Fall 2017

I interned at SpaceX during Fall 2017. I worked in their Hardware development group working on new Avionics hardware bringup...

Computer Access Module

My Computer Access Module was designed as a way for me to access my computer using the RFID chip implanted...

Smart Mirror

Smart Mirror

I decided that I wanted a smart mirror! Software The software is what makes the mirror look so good. Therefore,...

GPS Powered Alarm Clock

For ECE 473 (Microcontroller System Design) I designed a GPS-powered alarm clock. To satisfy class requirements, we designed a radio...


Lock And Thin Card Hardware This is a home automation project that will work to automate house entry. It is...

LeConte Glacier

During the Summer of 2016, I traveled to Petersburg, Alaska to deploy multiple ROSS platforms. This was the first time ever that...

ROSS Ebox Design

ROSS Ebox Design

EBox Design Most of my work with the ROSS project has, naturally, been with the Electronics box. This page showcases...

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